07:01 Nov 4, 2023
'All photo shoots are a way of creating something beautiful and artistic. This videos shows the highlights of what happens behind the scenes and is sort of a \"Making of\" of the ins and outs of fashion photography. It shows you what a makeup artists, a stylists, lighting and flash specialists and a photographer might be thinking of during a photoshoot. I also give my two cents at the end of the video on my lessons learned, my appreciation for having a lighting specialist at the shoot and again rave on about how I love the Sigma 50mm f/1.4 ART lense and my renewed love for continuous lighting.  Who is Celeste  Celeste is a circus performer and student at the Quebec city circus school. At the ripe age of 19, she has already modeled quite extensively. This is due to the fact that her traits are simply stunning and so, she has been asked, on many occasions, on the street to do some modeling work. Because of the fact that she has been asked so many times to model, she actually has quite a bit of experience at it. She knows how to \"Strike a pose\" whenever she is asked and does a great job at it.  Youth and class  I was asked by a jeweler, Nancy Sinclair glass, to showcase her jewelery. The jewelery this person makes is glass jewelery. There is a stigma about glass jewelery and age that the client wanted to stay away from. So the goal of this client was to push youth and class. The moment the client saw the picture of Celeste, their gut reaction was to scream out \"I want her\"   Photo shoot equipment:  Camera used: 6D Lense used: Sigma 50mm f/1.4 ART Flash system: Elinchrome D-Lite RX 4  Modifiers:  5X1 softbox with grid on top 3X3 softboxes as sidelights Flash on back wall Some reflector work  Client: Sinclair Glass https://www.facebook.com/NancySinclairGlass/  Staff:  Makeup and hair: MarieLine Linteau Lighting photographic consultation: Jean Philippe Rivard Artistic dierction and photography: Jacques Gaines  Check out the Behance profile https://www.behance.net/gallery/33992266/Celeste  Blog on this photo shoot http://jacquesgaines.com/d-f-a-p-celeste/   To follow me: https://www.facebook.com/movingicon/ www.jacquesgaines.com https://www.behance.net/JacquesGaines https://twitter.com/JacquesGaines https://www.instagram.com/jacquesgainesphotography https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquesgaines' 

Tags: fashion , tutorial , model , Behind the Scenes , GLAMOUR , photography , lighting , Photographer , fashion photography , dslr , photographs , portrait , teamwork , sigma , glamour photography , Strobe Photography , Canon 6D , ring light , strobist , reflector , Flash Photography , speedlite , Sigma Art , softbox flash , 6d , Jacques Gaines , sigma 50mm , photo assistant , Celeste Myhre , circus performer , jewelry photos , Elinchrom flash , speedlite flash , photo reflector , Celeste Bliss

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