'Anja Aronowsky, Jan-Jan Van Essche, Vanessa Bruno & Laura Larbalestier | Fashion Talks 2021'

'Anja Aronowsky, Jan-Jan Van Essche, Vanessa Bruno & Laura Larbalestier | Fashion Talks 2021'
30:53 Aug 23, 2022
'The 5th edition of Fashion Talks took place in the Antwerp Handelsbeurs, the world\'s oldest stock exchange, and also where the Antwerp six presented their first collections.  We had a debate about profit, doubt and what we leave behind, which was moderated by Anja Aronowsky with Jan-Jan Van Essche, Vanessa Bruno & Laura Larbalestier.  https://www.fashiontalks.be' 

Tags: fashion , fashion industry , sustainability , fashion talks , Flanders DC , Anja Aronowsky , Jan-Jan Van Essche , Vanessa Bruno & Laura Larbalestier

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