'Monster Hunter World: Fashion Hunt - Ice Princess vs Flame Emperor'

'Monster Hunter World: Fashion Hunt - Ice Princess vs Flame Emperor'
09:27 Dec 4, 2021
'Casual fashion hunt against a highrank Teostra  I like creating mixed fashion sets that also give decent skills. The weapon and Palico also have to fit the look.  I fight without mantles so you can see the set during the full hunt.  Ice Princess (high element and sharpness):  Legiana Rimespire - Attack Jewel Xeno\'jiiva Headgear beta - Challenger Jewel Legiana Mail beta - Frost Jewel Legiana Vembraces beta - Jumping Jewel Xeno\'jiiva Spine beta - Evasion Jewel, Frost Jewel Xeno\'jiiva Spurs beta - 2x Frost Jewel Handicraft Charm III  Skills: Ice Attack 4 Handicraft 3 Evade Window 3 Bplight Resistance 2 Flinch Free 2 Attack Boost 1 Airborne Agitator 1 Evade Extender  Xeno\'jiiva Divinity (Razor Sharp) Legiana Favor (Good Luck)  Against Teostra it actually makes sense to use one Blight Resistance Jewel someweher to be immune to both blast and fire blight.  Palico Equipment: Felyne Legiana Sword Felyne Xeno Veil Felyne Legiana BLade' 

Tags: Sony Interactive Entertainment , PlayStation 4 , #PS4share , FASHION HUNT , ice princess , Monster Hunter World , AkimoK-47 , Teostra

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