'NBA Playoff Fashion'

04:57 Nov 7, 2021
'Fashion shows have the red carpet... the NBA has the player tunnel. I just went on the Bridge to discuss some of the best of worst NBA playoff fashion thus far including a who wore it best. Dame vs Russ?  www.lifestylest.com  Brandon Gaston, The LifeSTYLest Portland, Oregon  Phone: (503) 715-1723 Email: info@lifestylest.com  This video: https://youtu.be/MV_yE3oU4W4  Facebook: http://facebook.com/thelifestylest LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/brandongaston Instagram: http://instagram.com/thelifestylest Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheLifeSTYLest Pinterest http://pinterest.com/thelifestylest' 

Tags: Paris Fashion Week , nba , nba fashion , wardrobe stylist , RUSSELL WESTBROOK , The Bridge , Damian Lillard , NBA Playoff , Portland Trailblazers

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