'ANNE OF CLEVES 16th century German Renaissance Lady - Get Ready With Me and Photoshoot'

14:21 Sep 9, 2021
'Come with me on a photo shoot of my 16th century German gown! I\'ll explain the inspiration and layers of my dress, get dressed with you, and then take you along for some Renaissance photo fun. Photos by Joy Knouse  Shift / chemise video: https://youtu.be/6-ORcHRlq_Q Shift / chemise PDF tutorial:  https://bit.ly/2tGeopE Renaissance kirtle PDF tutorial: https://bit.ly/2FzcWZ4  Featured images: Most by Barthel Bruyn, 1530s Anne of Cleves by Holbein, 1539 Portrait of a Lady by Christopher Amberger, 1525  Intro and background info 0:00 Getting dressed 7:04 Photoshoot 10:42  I didn\'t film placing pins into the brustfleck (the gold piece worn across the chest). I recommend pinning it for regular wear, just where it goes on the dress, as it stays in place best that way, while you move about your day! It seems I couldn\'t be bothered to remember all the details while I was focusing on my new video \"skills\"!   Check out Daisy Viktoria\'s fairytale gowns and corsets and request your own custom garments: https://daisyviktoria.com/  Sign up for our VIP mailing list. Get our exclusive updates, new features, and special offers delivered right to your inbox! https://bit.ly/33J5YuD   PATREON   You can find a full photo dress diary from when I made this dress over on Patreon! There are also lots of other cool rewards, and it helps me to keep creating for you! https://www.patreon.com/daisyviktoria   KO-FI If that suits your fancy! https://ko-fi.com/daisyviktoria   RECOMMENDED MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: (affiliate links - if you want to help out my channel, I get a small commission at no additional cost to you!)   Dress form: https://amzn.to/2PrMztP  Great beginner sewing machine: https://amzn.to/38IZpLw  Fabric, thread, and notions:  Amazon: https://amzn.to/34n5YQE  J oAnn: https://bit.ly/2Sne0YC  The camera I use for my video and photo shoots: https://amzn.to/35v36CU    SOCIAL MEDIA  Follow me! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaisyViktoria/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daisyviktoria/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/daisyviktoria Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/daisyviktoria/' 

Tags: grwm , get ready with me , costume , Behind the Scenes , fashion history , cosplay , costume design , 16th century , Renaissance , Tudor , custom clothing , sca , costube , reenactment , historical costume , period costume , society for creative anachronism , 16th century clothing , historical sewing , elizabethan , german costume , court gown , german gown , anne of cleves , costuber , get ready with me costume , grwm costume party , getting dressed in the 16th century , 16th century dress , grwm cosplay

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