Talking about Yesstyle and Wearing other Asian Clothes

Talking about Yesstyle and Wearing other Asian Clothes
14:35 May 11, 2021
Hi Everyone =)  This is Livingbeautifullyx3!  In this video I'm just talking about my personal views on what people say about Yesstyle clothes and then more on talking about Asian styled clothes and fashion in general.  Maybe this can help some of you who have a hard time to find what works for you, especially if you want to buy Asian styled clothes.  I hope that understand me clearly, I'm sorry if you couldn't hear me very well, I'm not very good at projecting my voice. But I promise to work on it!  If you would like more information about this video please visit my blogpost: (I think it is a lot more comprehensive than my video actually XP)  And if you would like to see my product reviews etc. here is my blog   Thank you for watching!  -Livingbeautifullyx3 

Tags: Clothing (Industry) , body image , Body Type , Asia (Continent) , asian fashion , yesstyle , Asian clothes , Fashion (TV Genre)

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