'2021 時裝設計新人獎 ⋮ 2021 Taiwan Fashion Design Award #臺北時裝週 #SS22'

'2021 時裝設計新人獎 ⋮ 2021 Taiwan Fashion Design Award #臺北時裝週 #SS22'
01:28:47 Feb 17
'展出設計師:Baéz Gamarra, Andrés David(巴拉圭)、Gajadeera, Ruwanthi Pavithra(斯里蘭卡)、呂郁致、李若綺、張嘉緯、陳家慶、陳慶霖、童麗融、黃子恩、葉昱賢、褚耘成、賴名浩(依筆畫 / 字母順序排序) ⠀⠀⠀ 「時裝設計新人獎」為亞洲最具規模且歷史悠久的大型官方競賽,由經濟部工業局主辦,中華民國紡織業拓展會執行,自 1987 年創立至今已邁入第 35 屆,今年度吸引全球 18 個 國家地區新銳競逐。 ⠀⠀⠀ 新人獎以發掘服裝設計優秀人才為目的,廣受產官學界的支持,也奠定了臺灣紡織服飾產業的根基,時裝設計新人獎更有引領設計者轉動產業創新發展的使命。 ⠀⠀⠀ 在服裝創作上,鼓勵以創意新穎的美感「設計」與人溝通,採用高科技、高附加價值的「機能性」紡織素材,強調提升穿著舒適性,也倡導革新又實用的服飾「功能」,讓生活更加便利美好;另外,本競賽也期許設計者著眼於友善環境、延長素材及服裝使用壽命等「永續」意涵,與全球關注的綠時尚議題接軌。 ⠀⠀⠀ Launched in 1987, 2021 Taiwan Fashion Design Award (TFDA) marks its 35th edition. Hosted by the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and organized by the Taiwan Textile Federation, it is one of the earliest official fashion competitions in Asia. This year, TFDA received submissions from over 18 countries and regions.  ⠀⠀⠀ TFDA serves the purpose of discovering new talents in fashion design. The award is widely supported by the industry, government and academia. The mission of the TFDA is to lead designers to innovation and encourage the development of the industry. The long-term efforts have strengthened the foundation of the textile and fashion industry. ⠀⠀⠀ Regarding the theme of design, the key points are CREATIVITY, PERFORMANCE, FUNCTION, and SUSTAINABILITY. CREATIVITY is to communicate via an aesthetic manner. PERFORMANCE is to utilize hightech, high-value-added textile materials to enhance comfortability. FUNCTION is to create innovative and practical apparel, making our life better. Furthermore, the competition expects designers to focus on \"SUSTAINABILITY\" in terms of environmental friendliness and extending the life of materials and garments, which is in line with the global value of green fashion. ⠀⠀⠀ ▪️ 因應「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)」,活動現場實施人流管制與相關防疫措施,並依防疫指揮中心發布事項隨時因應調整。 ▪️ 入場採實聯制,來賓全程配戴口罩並量額溫,額溫攝氏37.5度以上者謝絕入場。 ▪️ 主辦單位保留活動變更權。 ▪️ 本活動新冠肺炎快篩試劑防疫產品由 福爾 FORA Taiwan 贊助提供。 ⠀⠀⠀ ______________________________ ⠀⠀⠀  
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