'Fashion Photography in the Studio: behind the scenes'

03:26 Jul 8, 2023
'Fashion Photography int the Studio: Photographer Michael Damböck shoots the new fashion collection by Julia Herbich in his Studio in Stuttgart, Germany. The Model is Sabrina Licata.  Lovely photo session with a lot of girls in the studio. Using Broncolor Lighting and the para 88 as a light shaper. We don\'t have profoto gear in the studio - but thats fine. Thinking outside the softbox :) using fashion lighting for this fashion shooting. This is not a Complete Guide to Fashion and Beauty Photography it is just a behind the scenes video.  In this fashion photo session I was shooting my trusty old Canon 5SD MKII with just one lens: the 50mm/F.14.  Equipment used:  *Camera: http://amzn.to/2htoULc *Lens: http://amzn.to/2iPlpLJ   Check out the final images on my website: http://www.pixelcatcher.de and http://www.michaeldamboeck.com  Links marked with * are Affiliate Links. When you buy products over those links you support my work. I get a small commission from the seller for my recommendation. you don\'t have any financial disadvantages from those links.  -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Just released: Capture One Pro Cinematic Autumn Stylepack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBn4CduwI5o -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-' 

Tags: fashion , tutorial , style , photoshoot , Behind the Scenes , shooting , educational , photography , studio , Broncolor , Photographer , Fashion Photography (Organization Sector) , fashion shooting , softbox , stuttgart , Fotografie , Fotoshooting , studio photography lighting , fashion photography studio , Photosession , fashion photography lighting , editorial fashion photography , Modeshooting , Digital Photography (Art Period/Movement) , photography assignment , photography assignments , para88 , Think outside the softbox

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