'Kesha McLeod: Fashion Stylist to James Harden & Serena Williams shares experience working w/athletes'

'Kesha McLeod: Fashion Stylist to James Harden & Serena Williams shares experience working w/athletes'
37:04 May 16, 2023
'Kesha McLeod: celebrity stylist to James Harden, Serena Williams , and P.J. Tucker shares her experience as a go-to fashion stylist to sports stars, advice to aspiring fashion stylists, her \"How To\" style guide & more.   Kesha Mcleod:  Instagram: @Kmcme17  Book:  \"How To Guide: Styling & Understanding Your Business\" https://www.amazon.com/Essential-How-Guide-Understanding-Business-ebook/dp/B08881VNL7/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=essential+guide+to+styling&qid=1589319899&sr=8-1  Episode 1: More Than Stats Conversation Series Hosted by Jamaal Rich and Bailey Webster  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/morethanstats/ Twitter: Twitter.com/morethan_stats https://morethan-stats.com' 

Tags: fashion , how to , SPORTS , zoom , Celebrity Style , fashion advice , fashion stylist , celebrity fashion , Athletes , SERENA WILLIAMS , JAMES HARDEN , nba style , pj tucker

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