'Vintage Thrift Clothing Haul - A 1920s watch! | Carolina Pinglo'

'Vintage Thrift Clothing Haul - A 1920s watch! | Carolina Pinglo'
15:25 Jan 5, 2023
'How did I get so lucky finding vintage pieces at the thrift store!  I did some shopping between Christmas and New Years and I found so many amazing gems at the thrift store! We are still on a semi lockdown with restaurants, gyms, movie theaters closed so I haven\'t had a chance to wear any of these pieces.... Its also been super cold so its not like I want to go out lol.  I think I\'ve spent so much time at home these past few months and not interacting with friends that I\'m loosing some creativity and I\'m struggling to come up with new ideas for videos. If you have any video requests OR if you have any suggestions for things that give you inspiration (MOVIES, magazines, activities ? literally anything!) let me know!  The WWII top I did get on Etsy ! It’s an authentic WWII top... which I doubt I would ever find at the thrift store LOL   Unfortunately I can\'t link any of the items because they are all second hand... Thats truly the unfortunate part about being a content creator who only shops second hand, you guys cant shop the pieces I buy and it also makes it hard to work with brands.    *************************************************  INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/carepinglo​  BLOG: http://www.carolinapinglo.com/' 

Tags: fashion , thrift haul , thrifting , vintage haul , vintage thrift haul , 1930s fashion , 1940s style , fur fashion , military fashion , vintage youtuber , WWII top , vintage fur

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