'Clan Halloween Fashion Frame Contest - Warframe'

09:30 Dec 6, 2022
'Welcome to my clans Fashion Frame Contest 2! Please do me a favor and vote for your top 3 frames.  Here are the Contestants that you can vote for: ZULUTOKOMIA IMXSOLSTICE K CUB TEJADA SWETS SOUL DRAGON ZUKZ TRICKZ WINTERCOIN921 DEDKRACKEN MRMANGO49 SUPRGUDADVCE Here are the rewards: 1st gets 400 platinum, 2nd gets 200p and 3rd gets 100p. I will let the votes cast for 2 days and then we shall check the winner! If you are interested in joining the next contest, then join my Xbox Warframe clan! DM me on Xbox for an invite.  Instagram: @Revived_Slayerz Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/haarrison Twitter: https://twitter.com/J_Haarrison  Message me on xbox (GT: Revived Slayerz) to ask about joining my Warframe clan!' 

Tags: fashion , challenge , gaming , event , PS4 , pc , warframe , frame , fashion frame , halloween , vote , Wondershare Filmora9 , xbox , contest , platinum , clan , Revived , slayerz , revived slayerz

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