'Hitman 2 The Showstopper Trophy/Achievement Guide'

'Hitman 2 The Showstopper Trophy/Achievement Guide'
09:37 Nov 27, 2022
'In this Hitman 2 video, I\'ll show how to unlock The Showstopper Trophy.  At the rear of the palace, go around and use the terrace on the building\'s right side to bypass most of the security. You\'ve got to be a little cautious, but you should be able to take out one of the guards patrolling the area to the right of the helicopter. Take his suit and conceal the body in a crate nearby.  Go on to the fashion show inside. You will notice the stage schedule right behind the catwalk. Only read that. It essentially means that Viktor Novikov would have to fill in for him on stage at the end of the show if anything happens to Sato, the fashion designer.  Next, go to the large room where the models are preparing to go on stage. On one side of the room, there is a large glass case with a diorama inside. Wait for Sato to come close behind him (he\'s standing nearby with his back to the case) and then put a coin in to trigger it.  Sato is going to get annoyed and head over for a drink on the right. Just follow him. Knock him out and hide until he is in a secluded place near the crate, knock him out and hide his body.  From here, make your way to the top floor and enter the attic. Find a crowbar and climb out onto the light rig. Wait here for Viktor Novikov to get on stage. As soon as he does, interact with the winch to drop the lights on it. You can also complete this with the \"Lights Out\" Mission Story.  ➡️ Subscribe to Support My Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdxaVKjIo0htZgWdsQkRY6Q  Follow me on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/agent47lovescookies  Follow me on Twitter: (@Gamer47agent): https://twitter.com/Gamer47agent?s=09  My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/GAMER-47-107089510695980' 

Tags: Sony Interactive Entertainment , PlayStation 4 , #PS4share , SHAREfactory™ , {5859dfec-026f-46ba-bea0-02bf43aa1a6f} , tame_unit894

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